Moda 11

For authors

All papers will be subject to review and assessment by the MODA board, who will select a proportion of submissions for inclusion in the conference program and the proceedings. Each paper must present original and unpublished work. Papers must not be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

The Proceedings are going to be published by Physica Verlag, a branch of Springer. Submissions must be formatted in LaTeX according to the detailed instructions. A mODa 10 proceedings manuscript sample can be found here. Please note that the contributions must be no more than 8 pages. They will only be accepted in Portable Document Format (pdf). Hardcopy submissions will not be accepted.

An accepted submission must be presented at the workshop in order to be included in the official Proceedings.

This form may be used to submit a PDF file of your manuscript for publication consideration in the proceedings of mODa 10 which are going to be published by Springer. The PDF should include all text, graphics, and appendices for the paper. Submissions must be formatted in LaTeX according to the template included in the Instructions for Authors. Do not upload separate files for text, graphics, and appendices. PDF file names must have a .pdf extension.

No paper that has been previously published, or is being considered for publication elsewhere, should be submitted. Papers submitted may not exceed 8 printed pages. The submission deadline is 15th September.

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Middle name:
Surname (family name):
Article PDF file:

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» Instructions

» Paper submission