ProceedingsAs with previous mODa meetings, a number of full papers contributed by the invited participants will be published as proceedings by Physica-Verlag, a branch of Springer. Papers must be based on unpublished and original work and must be submitted to mODa only. All submissions will be fully refereed for accuracy, technical content, and relevance by at least two referees including at least one mODa board member.
The PDF should include all text, graphics, and appendices for the paper. Do not upload separate files for text, graphics, and appendices. The PDF file name must have a .pdf extension. Submissions must be formatted in LaTeX according to the template included in the file contributed+books.zip. The compressed folders include
Papers submitted may not exceed 8 printed pages. Every author should read and follow the rules for obtaining copyright permissions given by
Acceptance decisions will be notified by the end of November. The camera-ready version including the LaTeX main file, the refence file and all figures must be submitted until 15 Dezember 2015. |