Dr. Uwe Ligges - Publications
Ligges, U. (2005):
Programmieren mit R, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg,
ISBN 3-540-20727-9.
Ligges, U. (2006):
Transkription monophoner Gesangszeitreihen,
Dissertation, Fachbereich Statistik, Universität Dortmund,
URL http://hdl.handle.net/2003/22521.
Ligges, U. (2006):
Programmieren mit R (Japanese Edition), translated by Ishida, M., Springer Japan Verlag, Tokyo,
ISBN 4-431-71218-6.
Ligges, U. (2007):
Programmieren mit R, 2., überarbeitete u. aktualisierte Auflage; Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg,
ISBN 3-540-36332-7.
Ligges, U. (2009):
Programmieren mit R, 3., überarbeitete u. erweiterte Auflage; Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg,
ISBN 978-3-540-79997-9.
Claus Weihs, Olaf Mersmann, Uwe Ligges (2014):
Foundations of Statistical Algorithms,
Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, ISBN 978-1-439-87885-9.
Weihs, C., Berghoff, S., Hasse-Becker, P. and Ligges, U. (2001):
Assessment of Purity of Intonation in Singing Presentations by Discriminant Analysis.
In Kunert, J. and Trenkler, G. (eds.).
Mathematical Statistics with Applications in Biometry,
395-410, Josef Eul Verlag, Lohmar.
Hothorn, T., Hornik, K. and Ligges, U. (2002):
R: Eine Sprache für Datenanalyse und -visualisierung - Das freie S.
iX - Magazin für Professionelle Informationstechnik 3/2002,
141-143, Heise Zeitschriften Verlag, Hannover. (german)
Ligges, U., Weihs, C. and Hasse-Becker, P. (2002):
Detection of locally stationary segments in time series.
In Härdle, W. and Rönz, B. (eds.).
COMPSTAT 2002 - Proceedings in Computational Statistics,
285-290, Physika Verlag, Heidelberg.
Weihs, C., Ligges, U., Güttner, J., Hasse-Becker, P. and Berghoff, S. (2003):
Classification and Clustering of Vocal Performances.
In Schader, M., Gaul, W. and Vichi, M. (eds.).
Between Data Science and Applied Data Analysis,
118-127, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Ligges, U. and Mächler, M. (2003):
Scatterplot3d - an R Package for Visualizing Multivariate Data.
Journal of Statistical Software 8 (11), 1-20.
Weihs, C. and Ligges, U. (2003):
Automatic Transcription of Singing Performances.
Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 54th Session, Proceedings,
Volume LX, Book 2, 507-510.
Ligges, U. (2003): R-WinEdt.
In Hornik, K., Leisch, F. and Zeileis, A. (eds.).
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on
Distributed Statistical Computing (DSC 2003),
ISSN 1609-395X,
Weihs, C. and Ligges, U. (2003):
Voice Prints as a Tool for Automatic Classification of Vocal Performance.
In Kopiez, R., Lehmann, A. C., Wolther, I. and Wolf, C. (eds.).
Proceedings of the 5th Triennial ESCOM Conference, Hanover
University of Music and Drama, Germany, September 8-13, 2003, 332-335.
Rötter, G. and Ligges, U. (2004):
Die Beeinflußbarkeit emotionalen Erlebens von Musik durch olfaktorische Reize.
In Behne, K.-E., Kleinen, G. and de la Motte-Haber, H. (eds.).
Musikpsychologie. Jahrbuch der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie,
Bd. 17, 126-136. Hogrefe, Göttingen. (german)
Weihs, C. and Ligges, U. (2004):
Interfaces in statistischen Anwendungssystemen -
Die Entwicklung der letzten 25 Jahre aus persönlicher Sicht.
In Biehler, R., Engel, J. and Meyer, J. (eds.).
Neue Medien und innermathematische Vernetzung in der Stochastik -
Anregungen zum Stochastikunterricht, Bd. 2, 127-150.
Verlag Franzbecker, Hildesheim. (german)
Weihs, C., Ligges, U. and Garczarek, U. (2005):
Prediction of Notes from Vocal Time Series: An Overview.
In Baier, D. and Wernecke, K.-D. (eds.).
Innovations in Classification, Data Science, and Information Systems,
283-294, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Sturtz, S., Ligges, U. and Gelman, A. (2005):
R2WinBUGS: A Package for Running WinBUGS from R.
Journal of Statistical Software 12 (3), 1-16.
Kopiez, R., Weihs, C., Ligges, U. and Ji In Lee (2005):
In Search of Variables Distinguishing Low and High Achievers in a Music Sight Reading Task.
In Weihs, C. and Gaul, W. (eds.).
Classification: The Ubiquitous Challenge,
593-599, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Weihs, C., Reuter, C. and Ligges, U. (2005):
Register Classification by Timbre.
In Weihs, C. and Gaul, W. (eds.).
Classification: The Ubiquitous Challenge,
624-631, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Weihs, C., Ligges, U., Luebke, K. and Raabe, N. (2005):
klaR Analyzing German Business Cycles.
In Baier, D., Decker, R. and Schmidt-Thieme, L. (eds.).
Data Analysis and Decision Support,
335-343, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Weihs, C. and Ligges, U. (2005):
From Local to Global Analysis of Music Time Series.
In Morik, K., Boulicaut, J.-F. and Siebes, A. (eds.).
Local Pattern Detection, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 3539,
217-231, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Kopiez, R., Weihs, C., Ligges, U. and Ji In Lee (2006):
Classification of high and low achievers in a music sight-reading task.
Psychology of Music 34 (1), 5-26.
Weihs, C. and Ligges, U. (2006):
Parameter Optimization in Automatic Transcription of Music.
In Spiliopoulou, M., Kruse, R., Nürnberger, A., Borgelt, C. and Gaul, W. (eds.).
From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering,
740-747, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Thomas, A., O'Hara, B., Ligges, U. and Sturtz, S. (2006): Making BUGS Open.
R News 6 (1), 12-17.
Weihs, C., Szepannek, G., Ligges, U., Luebke, K. and Raabe, N. (2006):
Local Models in Register Classification by Timbre.
In Batagelj, V., Bock, H.-H., Ferligoj, A., and Ziberna, A. (eds.).
Data Science and Classification, 315-322, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Weihs, C., Ligges, U. and Sommer, K. (2006): Analysis of Music Time Series.
In Rizzi, A. and Vichi, M. (eds.).
COMPSTAT 2006 - Proceedings in Computational Statistics,
147-159, Physika Verlag, Heidelberg.
Weihs, C., Ligges, U., Mörchen, F. and Müllensiefen, D. (2007):
Classification in Music Research.
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 1 (3), 255-291.
Szczukowski, D., Zenz, M., Gottschalk, A., Ligges, U. and Thöns, M. (2008):
Beatmung mittels Larynxmaske im Vergleich zum Routineverfahren mit der
Gesichtsmaske - Untersuchung im Bereich vertragsärztlicher Versorgungsstrukturen.
MMW - Fortschritte der Medizin, Originalien Nr. II/2008 (150.Jg.), 58-62.
Trautmann, H., Ligges, U., Mehnen, J. and Preuss, M. (2008):
A Convergence Criterion for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Systematic Statistical Testing.
In Rudolph, G. et al. (eds.).
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN) X, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 5199,
825–836, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Heike, M., Kuge, V., Löhlein, D., Rohn, R., Eveslage, M., Ligges, U. (2009):
Neoadjuvante versus definitive Chemoradiotherapie bei Patienten mit Ösophaguskarzinomen am Klinikum Dortmund.
German Journal of Gastroenterology 47 (09), 351, Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart.
Leissen, S., Ligges, U., Neuhäuser, M. and Hothorn, L.A. (2009):
Nonparametric Trend Tests for Right-Censored Survival Times.
In Schipp, B. and Krämer, W. (eds.).
Statistical Inference, Econometric Analysis and Matrix Algebra, 41-62, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg.
Krey, S. and Ligges, U. (2010):
SVM based Instrument and Timbre Classification.
In Locarek-Junge, H. and Weihs, C. (eds.).
Classification as a Tool for Research, 759-766, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Ligges, U. and Krey, S. (2011):
Feature Clustering for Instrument Classification.
Computational Statistics 26 (2), 279-291.
Theußl, S., Ligges, U. and Hornik, K. (2011):
Prospects and Challenges in R Package Development.
Computational Statistics 26 (3), 395-404.
Michaelis, X., Stumpe, B., Steinweg, B., Ligges, U., Marschner, B. (2013):
Identifizierung technogener Substrate im Boden mittels spektroskopischer Methoden.
Bodenschutz 4 (13), 114-119.
Krey, S., Ligges, U. and Leisch, F. (2014):
Music and timbre segmentation by recursive constrained K-means clustering.
Computational Statistics 29 (1), 37-50.
von Klot, C.A.J., Kramer, M.W., Böker, A., Herrmann, T.R.W., Peters, I., Kuczyk, M.A., Ligges, U.,
Gschwend, J.E., Retz, M., Schmid, S.C., Stenzl, A., Schwentner, C., Todenhöfer, T., Stöckle, M.,
Ohlmann, C.-H., Azone, I., Mager, R., Bartsch, G., Haferkamp, A., Heidenreich, A., Piper, C., and Merseburger, A.S. (2014):
Is there an anti-androgen withdrawal syndrome for enzalutamide?
World Journal of Urology 32 (5), 1171-1176.
Krey, S., Brato, S., Ligges, U., Götze, J., and Weihs, C. (2014):
Clustering of Electrical Transmission Systems based on Network Topology and Stability.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 85 (1).
Fili, S., Kohlhaas, M., Schilling, H., Ligges, U., Zelo, I. (2014):
Operative Therapiedes Neovaskularisationsglaukoms.
Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 231, 1230-1238.
Schilde T., Gökel, G., Ligges, U., Kohlhaas, M. (2014):
Corneales Cross-Linking – Langzeit-Ergebnisse. Welches Amsler-Stadium und welche Altersgruppe profitiert?
Der Ophthalmologe 111 (Supplements 1), 7.
Mattner, F., Klare, I., Wappler, F., Werner, G., Ligges, U., Sakka, S., Messler, S. (2014):
Reduction of Nosocomial Blood Stream Infections (BSI) and Nosocomial Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE) Colonisation on an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) after the Introduction of Antiseptic (Octenidine-based) Bathing: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis.
Open Forum Infectious Diseases: 2014:1(S1), 70. doi:10.1093/ofid/ofu052.178.
Surmann, D., Ligges, U., Weihs, C. (2014):
Modelling Low Frequency Oscillations in an Electrical System.
Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 2014 IEEE International, 565-571,
Piechotta, M., Mysegades, W., Ligges, U., Lilienthal, J., Hoeflich, A., Miyamoto, A., Bollwein, H. (2015):
Antepartal insulin-like growth factor 1 and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 concentrations are indicative of ketosis in dairy cows.
Journal of Dairy Science 98 (5), 3100-3109.
Herbrandt, S., Weihs, C., Ligges, U., Ferreira, M., Rautert, C., Biermann, D., Tillmann, W. (2016):
Optimization of a Simulation for Inhomogeneous Mineral Subsoil Machining.
In Wilhelm, A.F.X. and Kestler, A.H. (eds.).
Analysis of Large and Complex Data, 487-496, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Herbrandt, S., Ligges, U., Ferreira, M., Kansteiner, M., Weihs, C. (2016):
Statistical Simulation of a Multi-Phase Tool Machining a Multi-Phase Workpiece.
Archives of Data Science, Series A 1 (1), 129-155. doi:10.5445/KSP/1000058747/08.
Herbrandt, S., Ligges, U., Ferreira, M., Kansteiner, M., Biermann, D., Tillmann, W., Weihs, C. (2016):
Model Based Optimization of a Statistical Simulation Model for Single Diamond Grinding.
Computational Statistics 33 (3), 1127-1143. doi:10.1007/s00180-016-0669-z.
Mengden, T., Ligges, U., Mielke, J., Bramlage, P., Korzinek, A., Sehnert, W. (2016):
Blood pressure control and cardiovascular risk in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes – the German T2Target registry.
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension 19 (8), 757–763. doi:10.1111/jch.13001.
Bauer, N., Krey, D., Ligges, U., Weihs, C., Vatolkin, I. (2017): Segmentation.
In Weihs, C., Jannach, D., Vatolkin, I., Rudolph, G. (eds.): Music Data Analysis - Foundations and Applications, 411-432, Chapman and Hall/CRC, New York. doi:10.1201/9781315370996.
Ligges, U. and Weihs, C. (2017): Transcription.
In Weihs, C., Jannach, D., Vatolkin, I., Rudolph, G. (eds.): Music Data Analysis - Foundations and Applications, 433-450, Chapman and Hall/CRC, New York. doi:10.1201/9781315370996.
Mengden, T., Sehnert, W., Korzinek, A., Ligges, U. (2017):
Treatment goals defined by general physicians in hypertensive type 2 diabetic patients - results of the german t2-target registry study in primary care.
Journal of Hypertension 35 (e-Supplement 2), e40. doi:10.1097/01.hjh.0000523083.10827.90.
Altinkilic, B., Pilatz, A., Diemer, T., Wolf, J., Bergmann, M., Schönbrunn, S., Ligges, U., Schuppe, H.-C., Weidner, W. (2017):
Prospective evaluation of scrotal ultrasound and intratesticular perfusion by color-coded duplex sonography (CCDS) in TESE patients with azoospermia.
World Journal of Urology 36 (1), 125-133. doi:10.1007/s00345-017-2039-z.
Surmann, D., Ligges, U., Weihs, C. (2017):
Predicting measurements at unobserved locations in an electrical transmission system.
Computational Statistics 33 (3), 1159-1172. doi:10.1007/s00180-017-0734-2.
Schnackenberg, S., Ligges, U., Weihs, C. (2018):
Online Linear Discriminant Analysis for Data Streams with Concept Drift.
Archives of Data Science, Series A (Online First) 5(1), 1-20.
Messler, S., Klare, I., Wappler, F., Werner, G., Ligges, U., Sakka, S.G., Mattner, F. (2019):
Reduction of nosocomial bloodstream infections and nosocomial vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus
faecium on an intensive care unit after introduction of antiseptic octenidine-based bathing.
Journal of Hospital Infection 101 (3), 264-271. doi:10.1016/j.jhin.2018.10.023.
Fels, M., Rauterberg, S., Schwennen, C., Ligges, U., Herbrandt, S., Kemper, N., Schmicke, M. (2019):
Cortisol/dehydroepiandrosterone ratio in saliva: Endocrine biomarker for chronic stress in pigs?
Livestock Science 222, 21-24. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2019.01.022.
Surmann, D., Ligges, U., Weihs, C. (2019):
Optimal Node Subset with Minimal Graph Kernel Prediction Error in an Electrical Transmission System via Evolutionary Algorithms.
Electric Power Systems Research 175, 105915. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2019.105915.
van Meegen, C., Schnackenberg, S., Ligges, U. (2020):
Unequal priors in linear discriminant analysis.
Journal of Classification 37, 598-615. doi:10.1007/s00357-019-09336-2.
Bill, J., Rauterberg, S.L., Herbrandt, S., Ligges, U., Kemper, N., Fels, M. (2020):
Agonistic Behavior and Social Hierarchy in Female Domestic Rabbits Kept in Semi-Groups.
Journal of Veterinary Behavior 38, 21-31. doi:10.1016/j.jveb.2020.03.004.
Neuwirth, M.M., Marche, B., Kugler, C., Buresd, D., Sauerland, D., Herbrandt, S., Ligges, U., Mattner, F., Otchwemah, R. (2021):
Evidence of the medical and economic benefits of implementing hygiene measures by a prevention link physician in trauma surgery:
Study protocol for a biphasic multicenter prospective interventional pre-post cohort study using a structured intervention bundle
development and tools of behavior change management.
Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications. doi:10.1016/j.conctc.2021.100815.
Huber, N., Gundling, N., Thurow, M., Ligges, U., Hoedemaker, M. (2024):
Which Factors Influence the Consumption of Antibiotics in Q-Fever-Positive Dairy Farms in Northern Germany?
Animals 14, 1375. doi:10.3390/ani14091375.
Stolte, M., Herbrandt, S., Ligges, U. (2024):
A comprehensive review of bias reduction methods for logistic regression.
Statistics Surveys 18, 139-162. doi:10.1214/24-SS148".
The R Journal
It is a pleasure to edit the R Help Desk column of The R Journal
(ISSN 2073-4859, https://journal.r-project.org/, a peer-reviewed open access publication of the R Foundation for Statistical Computing).
All articles up to 2008 appeared in the predecessor of The R Journal called R News (ISSN 1609-3631):
Ligges, U. (2002): R Help Desk: Automation of Mathematical Annotation in Plots.
R News 2 (3), 32-34.
Ligges, U. (2003): R Help Desk: Getting Help - R's Help Facilities and Manuals.
R News 3 (1), 26-28.
Ligges, U. (2003): R Help Desk: Package Management.
R News 3 (3), 37-39.
Ligges, U. and Murdoch D. (2005): R Help Desk: Make `R CMD' Work under Windows - an Example.
R News 5 (2), 27-28.
Ligges, U. (2006): R Help Desk: Accessing the Sources.
R News 6 (4), 43-45.
Ligges, U. and Fox, J. (2008): R Help Desk: How Can I Avoid This Loop or Make It Faster?
R News 8 (1), 46-50.
Technical Reports
Ligges, U., Weihs, C. and Hasse-Becker, P. (2002):
Detection of locally stationary segments in time series - algorithms and applications.
Technical Report 11/2002.
SFB 475, Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Germany.
Ligges, U. and Mächler, M. (2002):
Scatterplot3d - an R Package for Visualizing Multivariate Data.
Technical Report 22/2002.
SFB 475, Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Germany.
Preusser, A., Ligges, U. and Weihs, C. (2002):
Ein R Exportfilter für das Notations- und Midi-Programm LilyPond.
Arbeitsbericht Nr. 35.
Fachbereich Statistik, Universität Dortmund. (german)
Garczarek, U., Weihs, C. and Ligges, U. (2003):
Prediction of Notes from Vocal Time Series Produced by Singing Voice.
Technical Report 1/2003.
SFB 475, Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Germany.
Weihs, C. and Ligges, U. (2003):
Automatic Transcription of Singing Performances.
Forschungsbericht Nr. 03/1.
Fachbereich Statistik, Universität Dortmund, Germany.
Weihs, C., Reuter, C. and Ligges, U. (2004):
Register Classification by Timbre.
Technical Report 71/2004.
SFB 475, Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Germany.
Kopiez, R., Weihs, C., Ligges, U. and Ji In Lee (2004):
In Search of Variables Distinguishing Low and High Achievers in Music Sight Reading Task.
Technical Report 74/2004.
SFB 475, Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Germany.
Weihs, C. and Ligges, U. (2004):
From Local to Global Analysis of Music Time Series.
Technical Report 77/2004.
SFB 475, Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Germany.
Weihs, C. and Ligges, U. (2005):
Parameter Optimization in Automatic Transcription of Music.
Technical Report 39/2005.
SFB 475, Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Germany.
Szepannek, G., Ligges, U., Luebke, K., Raabe, N. and Weihs, C. (2005):
Local Models in Register Classification by Timbre.
Technical Report 47/2005.
SFB 475, Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Germany.
Bischl, B., Ligges, U. and Weihs, C. (2009):
Frequency estimation by DFT interpolation: A comparison of methods.
Technical Report 06/2009.
SFB 475, Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund, Germany.
Theußl, S., Ligges, U. and Hornik, K. (2010):
Prospects and Challenges in R Package Development.
Report 102, Research Report Series, Institute for Statistics and Mathematics, WU Wien, Austria.
Book Reviews
`An R and S-PLUS Companion to Applied Regression', by J. Fox.
Statistical Software Newsletter in Computational
Statistics and Data Analysis 42 (3), 538-539 (2003).
`Modern Applied Statistics with S', 4th ed.,
by W.N. Venables and B.D. Ripley.
Statistical Software Newsletter in Computational
Statistics and Data Analysis 43 (1), 113-114 (2003).
`Statistical Analysis and Data Display - An Intermediate Course in S-PLUS, R, and
SAS', by R.M. Heiberger and B. Holland.
Statistical Papers 47 (1), 161-162 (2005).
`The R Book', by M.J. Crawley.
Statistical Papers 50 (2), 445-446 (2009).